Monday, June 23, 2008

BLACK KIDS WEEK: Lykke Li remix

Every so often, I am going to feature a different musician and some work they've done. Last week was sort of Justice week. This week, I am going to be talking a lot about The Black Kids.

Just who are they? Well, you could always Google them, in the mean time, check out this great remix:

Lykke Li is one of those extremely cute and talented chicks you meet in school but feel intimidated by. Not so much because you think she's more attractive than you but because she has cool parents, lived in tons of cool countries and can sing her ass off. And she's younger than you.

Check out her great vocals on this Black Kids remix.

Lykke Li - I'm Good, I'm Gone (Black Kids remix)

1 comment:

Chainsaws & Jelly said...

lykke li! word.