Monday, March 31, 2008

Ugh. Blog down time.

So let's have blog sexy time!

Sorry for the down time. I am prepping for a big DJ set and I haven't had time to get back to blogging. To remedy this, I'll give you two great tracks that will hopefully spark some fun in those nether regions of yours!

Convinced Simian Mobile Disco knows how to work sex appeal? Thought so. Get more at their Myspace.

Simian Mobile Disco - I Believe


I'm also convinced that putting Teki Latex (Myspace) in ANYTHING will make it sexy. I know if you've never heard of him you probably do not believe me at all. But watch what happens when Teki gets on a remix of this Gonzalez (Myspace) track.

Gonzalez featuring Teki Latex - Slow Down (remix)

Oh, need more proof Teki has the touch?

This time Teki gets down with Devin The Dude and the slick bastards that are 33hz.

33hz featuring Teki Latex and Devin The Dude - Paris, Texas (Sentinel Mix)

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

LADIES AND GENTS: The Vodkadets!

So I started a new band with my friend Victoria. Our philosophy is very simple:

- Write songs about getting drunk and getting laid
- Be so hot that people will be jealous that we might be doing each other (like The White Stripes but dirtier)

Simple enough. Check it out.

Monday, March 24, 2008


Moldover's video for Controllerism was my first real glimpse into how powerful and creative Live can be. Moldover has a library of obsessively detailed samples set up in a way that at his whim he can create thousands of songs and ideas all at once. His unique controller allows him to manipulate all of these at an instance giving him a very unique sound and vibe. But if you need more proof as to how great Live can be...

I think these guys proved that enough already... Live let's you do all sorts of insane live performance tweaks that an average DJ or performer cannot do. Live is a powerful recording, performance and DJing application. Moldover uses it to process, control and activate a ton sound samples and effects all with his Frankenstein controller. Daft Punk uses it to chop up and sample their own music and creative brand new mixes of their own material. And then, there's Kid Beyond.

Kid Beyond uses Live to become the epitome of the term "one man show." He can instantly live multitrack his own beat boxing, sample himself in real time, add effects and call up loops from earlier in his set all by using Live and a simple stomp box. I love DJing and I love playing music but it seems that using Live and thinking of creative ways to use sound and a controller set up can create all sorts of amazing new things.

Time to shell out some money.


Video clip from video game "Neo Contra" for Playstation 2

I am all up for over the top ridiculous ultra violence. As long as it's not grotesque. I like my violence crazy, bloody and over the top with a pinch of campy. It's it no wonder, Versus is one of my favorite movies ever?

Versus directed by Ryuhei Kitamura

Does anyone remember this treat? Paul Robertson's Pirate Baby Cabana's Street Fight?

Post your favorite ultraviolent nonsense clips!


Kap10Kurt - Dangerseekers

Here's what you need to do:

- Rock out to the above video by the French collective, The Holograms.
- Check out more Kap10Kurt jams at his Myspace
- Download the Dangerseekers MP3
- Get into a car chase.
- Save the future.

NEW PROJECT: Andross Averywhere

Intergalactic villains live a pretty simple life. We can all agree on that. Trying to become the ruler of an entire solar system and plotting revenge on foes takes up most of one's time. It leaves very little in the way of leisure time. But let's be honest, even the strongest villains in the universe need a break. A little vacation time. When you're a disembodied spirit trying to think of ways to take over a handful of star systems, you really have all the time in the world to relax and take a day off.

click to enlarge

But first, Andross needs to withdraw some cash. He knows what sort of trouble you can get into if you trust credit cards for a long trip. Andross hates long lines.

Sunday, March 23, 2008


I'll be busy for the next two weeks prepping for my next DJ set on April 5th so the blog might not be on fire like it has been for the last week.

I assure you this will cheer you up. Technology is amazing.

Google Maps really outdoes itself!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Hello, from Paris!

Have you ever wondered what "Last Night's Party" would like if it happened in Paris? Do you like photo blogs but would like to see more candid shots of people having fun and less photos of people just standing up against white walls and posing?

Stop wondering and whining and go click.
(and how do you NOT love a blog name like that?)

Thursday, March 20, 2008


France is at it again. Browsing a friend's blog, I stumbled upon a post he made about Poney Poney (Myspace). Sure they sound a lot like every other decent European dance rock band out there, but to their credit, they've received a lil help from fellow Frenchman, Xavier de Rosnay of Justice. Can't beat that!

And not to be left in the dust behind every other good old European music makers, the fellas even do remixes. Go figure!

So-Me at it again?

I'm sure you've seen this promo for the "Cross" album from Justice.

I ran across a curious bit on a message board I frequent and one of the posters realized that particular cross looks a bit similar to something.

and zooming out...

It looks a lot like the little cross on the bottom right of the Best Of Delirium album cover.! I mean, could be sheer coincidence but seeing as So-Me is an avid designer and after seeing the DVNO video, it's clear the man is a master of being a copycat without being TOO obvious.


Ladies and Gents: Plus-Tech Squeezebox

To make up for the last post about just an average (albeit very fun) rock band, get ready for some of this craziness.

Plus-Tech Squeezebox (Myspace) hails from none other than Japan breaking all sorts of sound barriers and genre types. While it's basically Japanese style electro pop with everything and a sparkling gold kitchen sink throw into it, it's still a bit more interesting than your average bubble gum, laser beam, Hello Kitty guitar rock J-pop amalgatrons.

Interestingly enough, they've even landed a track on the Spongebob Squarepants movie soundtrack which is amazing. This is actually not the first time a Japanese artist has landed on a American movie cartoon sound track. Who's the other I know of? Keep it posted, friends!

In the mean time, take a ride into a pink and yellow rag time, super future, rock and roll hyperdrive lollipop shower. (Wow.)

Plus-Tech Squeezebox - A Day In The Radio
Plus-Tech Squeezebox - Rocket Coaster
Spongebob Squarepants Movie Soundtrack - Plus-Tech Squeezebox

Remember Piebald?

You won't hear me talking about a lot of rock music on here considering I stopped listening to the genre a few years ago when I realized all I want to do is live in a world surrounded by robots that are also synthesizers and drum machines. However, somtimes you dip back into the nether reaches of your iTunes library and you find something that used to be one of your favorite albums.

Piebald (Myspace) used to be a band I listened to all the time. They've recently broken up so they won't be there to lead the charge the one day I might decide to start listening to rock bands again.

What I loved about these guys is that they were very tongue in cheek and didn't seem to take themselves very seriously. Just a buncha dudes from Boston bopping around and make rock music that was fun to listen to and sometimes even laugh at. Take a walk down memory lane with me.

(EDIT: As Mike posted in the comments, the 3 shows they have next month are actually their farewell shows. Aw nuts!)

Piebald - King Of The Road
Piebald - Long Nights
Piebald - Look, I Just Don't Like You

Ladies and Gents: Zoot Woman

Myspace being the website it is, it's now deciding to feature some good music all of a fucking sudden. First Polysics, then Crystal Castles and now these fine folks.

You might be late to the party too, but Zoot Woman (Myspace) has been making electronic love sounds for The Brits for some time now. They are led by Stuart Price, who apparently has more aliases than the Devil himself.

Seeing as these electro pop darlings are coming out with a new album, you might as well get acquainted and save your pennies for their new release. Just in case you're not sure what mood you need to be in to enjoy these sounds, let me help. Grab the following:

- a glass of red wine
- a white blazer
- the best shoes you have
- an exceedingly cute member of the opposite sex
- candles
- room to dance
- disco ball and lights (optional)

Zoot Woman - The Model
Zoot Woman - It's Automatic
Phoenix - Too Young (Zoot Woman remix)

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Gnarls Barkley - Run

Just check this out:
- JT
- old school hip hop dance show
- trippy visual breakdown

New album drops next month kids! Here's the two tracks off the album to get you excited. I swear this entire album sounds like a soundtrack to a Western. Imagine watching Electroma from Daft Punk but if Daft Punk was Gnarls Barkley and every scene was the desert scene.

Gnarls Barkley - Charity Case
Gnarls Barkley - Surprise

Oh, Maria Bamford!

Let me tell you, I love women.

Asides from boobs and butts, can I tell you personality plays a big factor in my big old heart? It's true! And Maria Bamford (Myspace) has one hell of a personality! Or judging by all the voices she makes, maybe she has more than one.

Female comedians put together maybe two of my favorite types of people together: females and comedians. Maria is so good at being the "awkward comedian" it's almost as if she made it up. While that sort of seems like a backhanded compliment, Maria takes her personality and voice and crafts it into a fine stain glass window made of bizarre life stories, an entire cast of characters and great (albeit awkward) stage presence.

Did I mention she's a lil awkward? But that's what I love about her. Plus she loves pugs so...

Maria Bamford @ Comedy Death Ray

Her set on the Comedy Deathray CD is something that without fail has made everyone we know lose it in giant giggle fits. Maria has a new CD out so check out her Myspace and buy that stuff!

Ladies and Gents: Yelle

Yelle - Je Vuex Te Voir


Yes, anyways. Yelle (Myspace) has been tearing it up French style and while her album has been out for quite some time everywhere else in the planet, it's finally getting an American release on April 1st. She also has had her track "A Cause des Garçons" remixed by all sorts of folks (Riot In Belgium, Sta, Tepr). Speaking of Tepr...

Yelle - A Cause des Garçons (Tepr remix)

This song is a bit of a small history lesson too. First off, starting from recent history, this remix happens to be a lot of people's introduction to the (sigh) dance craze that is "Tecktonik." And the song itself is actually a cover of an older French song.

If you watch Yelle's original video for the song, you can see where they got the idea for all the imagery now. So, now you know. And you know me, if you're dancing, you might as well be learning something too!

And while we're at it, might as well mention that I've mashed up Yelle and one of my favorite Japanese house artists, Fredo!

Yelle - Ce Jeu
Yelle and Fredo - Ce Jeu Center (LOVE and BEATS mash up!)

Ladies and Gents: Shinichi Osawa

Most people will tell you, "if you're looking for that crazy new electro sound, a great DJ who has tons of famous friends or even some decent rock music you can dance to, look into European bands. You'll find some great examples." Truth be told, that person would not be wrong. But... why try to find more than one band in more than one country to get that kick? What if you could find all that in one Japanese man. Perhaps you should meet Shinichi Osawa (Myspace)?

Mondo Grosso - Everything Needs Love (featuring BoA)

Most people may know Shinichi Osawa for his great house/pop adventure known as Mondo Grosso, but Shinichi can do more than chill with some of Asia's hottest pop singers and throw dance parties for fans of music that's all sugar and spice.

Shinichi Osawa - Star Guitar (Feat. Au Revoir Simone)

When he's not busy remixing Kap10Kurt, The Chemical Brothers, Digitalism or m-flo, he may be hanging out with people like DJ Falcon, Towa Tei, LCD Sound System or Alex Gopher! As far as I know, Shinichi Osawa does not have a home. He always seems to be DJing somewhere.

Shinichi Osawa - Electro411
Shinichi Osawa - Foals

Ladies and Gents: Crystal Castles

Do I have a thing for boy/girl bands? Maybe I do? Crystal Castles may be a little bit too loud for your mother. But, looking at you, I think you'll love their trashy, electro, 8 bit audio love child, yeah?

Crystal Castles (Myspace) have been gaining a lot of steam all over the country as well as the UK for all their touring there (Americans get ready, they are hitting the States for a bit before heading back over yonder). They've already proven to your cooler, older sister that they are not only good at rocking their own parties, but have done plenty of fun remixes of their own.

Crystal Castles - Crimewave (CC vs HEALTH)
Crystal Castles - Knights
Uffie - Make It Hott (Crystal Castles remix)

The DS-10!!!

Nintendo and Korg Team up to bring you the DS-10! A new bit of software that simulates a sequencer, a drum machine and the famous Korg MS-10! More at IGN.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Before you made tracks for corporate types, your hip hop had crazy hype


Ah, just hanging out at the beach. Taking a trip away from Oakland. Del, Casual, Pep Love and The Souls of Mischief put together some great stuff in their day. They went on to make some friends (Del chills with Dan The Automater, Souls did a track with RJD2, other members dropped solo albums.) But then, at some point, this happened:

Maybe, I've never been a big fan of songs made for albums or themes. I mean, The Game by Jurassic 5 is not that bad. I just feel like, a dip into corporate waters changes the way you sound on the mic. I've never been a fan.

Black Eyed Peas

Oh, these guys. I don't know what happened here. One point your making stuff like this, having great r&b singers get down on your tracks and then.... Fergie. Really guys? One album you're paying homage to Afrika Bambaataa next minute you're music is being blasted at bar mitzvahs.

I mean it could be worse. You be MC Hammer.

MC Hammer

Jeez, dude.

Hieroglyphics - Fantasy Island

Hieroglyphics - Halo
Jurassic 5 - The Game
Black Eyed Peas - Weekends
Black Eyed Peas - Bringing It Back

Plushies are the new Dunny. I'm calling it.

Okay, well technically Shawnimals and Squibbles Ink thought of it first, but I am just... you know. Letting you know that they called it.

Shut up. More here.

Thanks for the tip, Ryan!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Before you were famous, you did break dancing videos.

First of all, to me, the most important thing that ever happened in the 80's asides from popping out my mom's womb, was the explosion of the hip hop culture. Sure new wave is fun to goof around to at a 80's party, but hip hop was far and away the most important milestone of the 80's. (However, you have to credit new wave for inspiring the "electro" scene that Afrika Bambaataa pioneered!)

Here's our good friend Mark Vincent breaking it down and teaching you some moves. Mark Vincent is better know as this gentleman:

And while this video may be old news to some, these may not be:

Who is that dancing with Michael? Can you guess?

If you said Alfonso Ribeiro, you have an amazing eye ma'am/sir! But, good old Carlton did not stop there. Before he was dancing to Apache with Will Smith, he not only taught you how to break and pop, he was looking to sell you his secrets! Beat that!

Stack that up against current deals now a days and that's something. Let's see Ron Popeil give you a deal like that... But, if seeing muscle bound, closet nerd Vin Diesel six step or seeing Carlton sell you a breaking mat sort of freaks you out, I assure you, you are not ready for this:

It's exactly what you think it is. The Jackson 5. And Dom DeLuise. Don't try making any sense of it because you never will.

Vadrum makes Super Mario, Your ring tones or William Tell *Pazzesco!!!

(* that's "crazy" in Italian if you haven't figured it out yet!)

Vadrum is Andrea Vadrucci, an amazing drum monster from Italy. (Although he looks like any other college student from New Brunswick, NJ. Which, is not a bad thing. All that really means is that I'd feel comfortable hanging out with him at a bar and talking about how he should do some drums on some Megaman songs.)

Asides from being a gifted drummer, Vadrum has ridiculous taste and has an odd way of showing off his amazing talent. However, it's his sense of humor about things that makes me dig this guy. Sure he could just post videos of him covering some insane death metal tracks but somewhere in his crazy head, he's like "I should totally recording myself drumming to 8bit tracks and classic themes. Mom, where's the camera!?"

It's this sort of left of center thinking I can get on board with. Check out more Vadrum videos at his website or check him out on his Myspace.

Hollywood just doesn't understand us!

A lot of the time, I feel like the ones of us out there with an ounce of intelligence or taste are totally sold short. Hollywood treats us like the old school parent that doesn't understand their futuristic, text messaging, Razor scooter riding, teenage child. More often than not, we're not the demographic being catered to. Even when it's an movie adaptation of a book. Instead, Hollywood caters to the Hummer driving, Mountain Dew guzzling, Blue Collar Comedy Tour fan demographic.

Thankfully, the people who make DVDs sneak in little treats that people who can read or maybe have an art degree would care about. Or at least the kind of people who have more than two emotions. (Asleep and TOTALLY PUMPED!!!) I'm not trying to say the ending of I Am Legend catered to massive meatheads and mainstream America. Hell, even I got pumped at that last bit of action. But... then I saw the "alternate" ending to the movie. One that those who read the book claimed not only was better but was closer to the book's true ending.

Granted Hollywood will change a few things to maybe make more sense of things since movies have time constraints unlike books. But from what I heard, there were plenty of things that were changed for no apparent reason. did a great write up about this alternate ending as well as going into a bit of detail about certain meaningless changes Hollywood did during the adaptation of the story.

Check it out and tell me what you think about the different ending.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

DJ SETS for January and February!!!

As you know, I do DJ here and there. I try to release a small DJ set every month. So, to backtrack here are my sets for January and February!

01.28.08 Livemix
01. Grand Popo Football Club - Each Finger Has An Attitude
02. Ursula 1000 - Kaboom (Red Foxxworth remix)
03. AC Slater - Banger
04. Calvin Harris - Acceptable in the 80s

It's a bit crazy and maybe not the cleanest mix ever but it felt like a natural mix and instead of trying to "redo" it and make it super clean, I figure I upload the version of it that came naturally. I think uploading the real version and not a clean "redo" is a lot better because it makes you feel like you were there when I thought of it, right?

Just dance if anything.

02.18.08 Livemix
01. The Avalanches - Everyday
02. Etienne de Crecy - Out of My Hands (DJ Mehdi Remix)
03. Mylo - Paris Four Hundred / Digitalism - Jupiter Room
04. Tepr - Minuit Jacuzzi (DatA remix)
05. Daft Punk - Aerodynamic
06. Yoshinori Sunahara - Magic Sunset Street
07. Digitalism - Digitalism In Cairo
08. Kavinsky - Testarossa Autodrive
09. MSTRKRFT - Easy Love
10. Surkin - Radio Fireworks
11. Klaxons - Gravity's Rainbow (Soulwax remix)
12. The Presets - Are You The One?
13. The Faint - Violent

I apologize if some of the levels are not all perfect. At some point I didn't even notice that part of my cables got loose so the left/right channel out put on some of the tracks kind of got messed up so I had to convert the sound on this MP3 to mono. For what it's worth, it was a big mistake on my end. When I did my set up in Serato, the audio channels were fine. I must've moved my mixer during the set and knocked a cable loose. Won't happen again!!! Not as smooth as it could've been but definitely some good mixes in there, ideawise. So expect to hear some more of this when I try to do "polished" sets in the future!!!

And of course, if you'd like to keep up to date with all my DJing work, feel free to visit and add my DJ Myspace LOVE and BEATS

Designed By Humans! Destroy all T-shirts!

Designed by Humans (link) is much like every other user created t-shirt design company however, not only is the art featured on their t-shirts better than most upstart companies out there, the designs are actually wearable (unlike a certain company). In addition, DBH goes out of their way to not only make the shirts cheaper for people to purchase, but actually dishes out more money to the artists whose designs get chosen. You also get A TON of neat little extras when your shirt gets shipped out to you. (stickers, high 5s and wishes... well, at least stickers)

Two very up and coming friends from the West Coast are now trying to stake their claim at DBH so you should totally check them out!

First is Corey Lewis (Myspace). Corey is best know for a comic book called Sharkknife (Myspace), a tale of a busboy who turns into a super powered, high top sneaker wearing , kung fu bad ass that saves his restaurant from recipe stealing monsters. Corey is also the founder of GingerBox (link), a web forum that houses the new doodles and conversations about art and entertainment among some of the world's best indie comic artists. Along with working with Oni Press and doing shorts for the new Street Fighter comics, Corey's been dipping into t-shirt design.

One of his first shirts, the Mecha Naga Buddha (DBH), actually became a winning design and is now ready for print! Check out and vote for Corey's other shirts on his DBH profile.


Also tearing up the eyes and votes of users at DBH is Jason "JFish" Fischer (Myspace). JFish started making a name for himself by custom designing fish pillows of all sizes. They sold like... fishcakes? He further dipped his hand in other things by working with Blood Is The New Black (link) and doing murals and selling prints (store link). Asides from being an avid photographer, he's also starting an artbook called Fine Literature (Myspace).

JFish has tons of great tongue in cheek designs looking for more votes. They are all so good I can't wait to see which one makes it as a real design first!

Ladies and Gents: Lasse Gjertsen

His videos speak for themselves. Lasse clearly has a camcorder, some interesting ideas and way too much time on his hands. If you've ever done any sort of video editing, especially editing in time with any music or sound, you could imagine just how long all of this took. Regardless, this crazy Norwegian outdoes himself simply using a drum kit and piano. While the video is amazing in itself, it's even more impressive that he has no idea how to actually play either instrument in real life.

Lasse's original "Hyperactive" beatbox video apparently was so popular that one of my favorite sitcom's, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (FX Networks) decided to copy the idea for one of their promos.

You can tell they were definitely making an homage to Lasse's video by their choice of background. Actually, this is not the only time they've copied someone for one of their promos...

If you read my blog you may know I am a huge Justice (Myspace) fan. If you know their award winning video for "We Are Your Friends," then the above may seem familiar. If you've never seen the video, here it is:

If you'd like to download the audio for Lasse Gjertsen's "Amateur," go to
It's a Norwegian page so follow this translation: Lytt = Listen to, Last Ned = Download

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Ladies and Gents: DJ Mehdi

While Ed Banger Records (Myspace) is well know for their club banging stable of electro artists, far and away DJ Mehdi (Myspace) is my favorite of the crew.

Asides from Feadz (Myspace), Mehdi is one of the few hip hop artists on the label. Mehdi's beats bring it back to the old school with a small dosage of the French electro love that seems to be setting just about every hip blog on fire lately.

Mehdi has worked with one of my other favorite old school sound revivalists Chromeo (Myspace) as well as getting his super amazingly artistic wife Fafi (Myspace) on the track Lucky Boy. He's been remixed by some great artists too like Surkin (Myspace), Outlines (Myspace) and a certain someone named Thomas Bangalter (of Daft Punk).

He's also done some great remixes of his own. He's worked his magic on Notorious B.I.G., Etienne De Crecy, New Young Pony Club and most recently, Ghostface Killah.

DJ Mehdi - Pony Rocking
DJ Mehdi - Leave It Alone
Notorious BIG and DJ Mehdi - Le Cirque
Ghostface Killah - Charlie Brown (DJ Mehdi remix featuring Mapei)

Monday, March 10, 2008

Pics and video from the new Michel Gondry exhibit!

From what I gathered, Michel Gondry had another exhibit in NYC for his new movie, Be Kind Rewind. The place it was in looked like the real store, from the outside. Inside it had a fake movie rental area and the entire exhibit was various sets where you too could make shitty movies like they did in Be Kind Rewind!!!

Here are the pics!

and here's our video!

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Life makes art. Art makes life. Jeff Ramos makes blog.

What can I say? Gotta love Steve!


8bit art super genius, Eboy is at it again!


Just gorgeous. The Condiment Gallery really needs to be somewhere in real life. Let's make a quilt out of condiment packets!


Hey, at least it beats bad tribal tattoos down there.

Friday, March 07, 2008

Shintaro Kago

SAME HAT! SAME HAT! is an interesting blog that offers great scans and translations of Japanese horror and erotic-grotesque comics and more. As of late, they've posted a lot of Shintaro Kago. While my love for gore extends about as far as anything that involves zombies, Kago has such an interesting take on how to present comics that it's something you just need to see.

Here's Same Hat's entire scanlation of ABSTRACTION.

Same Hat has also been presented on NotCot!
(thanks to me of course!)

Ladies and Gents: The Ting Tings

I'm far from the jealous type, but The Ting Tings have seemed to do everything I wanted to do. Being adorable? Check. Forming an amazing boy/girl group? Check. Getting remixed by an amazing electro artist? Check (CALVIN HARRIS!) Being better live than on record? Check!

What makes The Ting Tings so fun? With a tiny mix of electro, fun drum lines and an amazing beautiful and talented front woman who dances like that hot chick at the party you are too afraid to talk to, they make for a good party. Just press play.

The Ting Tings - Great DJ (Calvin Harris REMIX)

Did I mention how good they are live?

JUSTICE goes well with your 80's party.

The powerhouse french electro duo Justice may not be best known for getting heavy play at your best friend's sister's fiance's 80's party, but here are two remixes that may make you rearrange that iPod playlist.

A lot of people may not know Surkin, but he's remixed tons of your favorite artists. He loves chopping up vocals, DJing with Booty Bass legends like DJ Funk and pals around with the Ed Banger crew (and chills on the Institubes label.) DVNO is Justice's hot new track and if you haven't seen the video, get prepared to get blown away by the nearly copyright infringement genius of SO-ME:

Justice - DVNO (Surkin REMIX)


Alan Braxe is a name that you may have never heard before or a name that gets the kind of respect and adoration of every kid out that that loves super smooth french synth disco house. If you're not convinced that Braxe couldn't take the overplayed D.A.N.C.E. and gloss it over with the sort of flavor that people love him for, you better put on some high socks or perhaps grab a glass of wine and check out his smoother than butter remix. Also, keep your eyes out for the little Daft Punk sample in this beauty.

Justice - D.A.N.C.E. (Alan Braxe REMIX)